Friday, January 17, 2014


Ah, Friday.  How I love thee.  There is something about these little endings and the openness of a weekend.  I wonder if my friends that work different shifts feel this way about their Tuesday? 

Every Friday Facebook, twitter and instagram are flooded with posters, comments and general happiness.  Likewise, they are also flooded with a lot of negative comments come Sunday night / Monday morning.

Are people generally unhappy about the new beginning? Do their lives magically erase the prior weekend's happiness when they start anew?  Are they sad to be forced to complete the fun and relaxation they enjoyed over their mini-break?

I challenge you to reconsider.  Remove the negative thoughts you have about starting the new week.  Allow yourselves to live in the moment of the weekend and carry that renewal into your week on Monday. 

Embrace the new.... don't dread it.

Below are a few of my faves from around the interweb this week.  Enjoy!


Those that know me well know that I absolutely HATE home viewing stations.  In particular, there is no universal system.  My BFF can attest that I absolutely cringe when I house sit for her and want to watch her television.  I have absolutely NO idea what I'm doing with her 16 remote controls.

I love this.  I need this.  Embarrassingly this is a suggestion for our grandparents.... good thing I am a grandparent.


I love the rustic feel of these shelves. I currently have all my wine and glasses in a glass cabinet and I wish I could actually see them better.  This is a great way to display the faves!  I wonder if Hubs could crank this out for me this weekend?


Who doesn't love a warm, soft pair of socks?  I absolutely covet them.  These slips are adorable, especially with our holiday of love right around the corner.

So cute!


Ah, Roosevelt.  So smart, so true.  LOVE this.


I absolutely love this style of sweatshirt.  Tall neck, long torso.  Perfection.


For those of you with babes, I love this idea.  No, I would never have thought of it when my little guy was born.  Of course that was 12 years ago, before the invent of social media.  Boo.  I will admit though that every time I crack open a box of baby wipes that alcohol smell is always the first thing to draft out.  That can't be good.


This is so true for many of my life connections and particularly funny right at this moment in my life!


My fam loves some homemade French toast.  We make it a lot on the weekends, typically with a hint of cinnamon and orange.  Check out this chai ft recipe!  Looks absolutely amazing to me.  Click here for the recipe ----->  Baked Chai Spiced French Toast


Okay - I love doors.  I really, really love doors.  I love using doors in decorating as well.  My only hiccup with this love is the knob.  How does that work?  Hmmmm.  Otherwise, it's one of my faves!


Love the sweater.  Love the hat.  Love the jeans.  Love the boots.

Yep, love the simplicity of it all.  Maybe THIS is why we love the weekends... we can be comfy!

Have a fantastic weekend, friends!



  1. Hmmmm..... I will get right on it with the slipcovers for all of my remotes. I might be able to accomplish all of them by July. :)

  2. Hmmmm..... I will get right on it with the slipcovers for all of my remotes. I might be able to accomplish all of them by July. :)
