Monday, December 24, 2012

I Still Believe

Merry Christmas Eve!  Or as us parents like to call it... countdown to mayhem.

I am so thankful that little guy takes after me with his literal interpretation of the world.  Yes, sometimes it makes him a little gullable (okay, ALL of the time) but this translation does has its upside.

He still believes.

I'm one lucky momma.

And no, he's not special. Let me clarify.  He WANTS to believe.

Yep, his desire of wanting and hoping there is a Santa is much, much higher than his doubts.  I know this is probably the last year that I've got him here but I really hope it isn't.

To help him along, I sent him a letter.  Well... I didn't send him a letter. Santa did.  Mailed with a special seal, from the North Pole of course.  Here are a few excerpts:

Dear Cooper,

Merry Christmas!  I am happy to know that even though you are getting older your name constantly appears on my Nice list.  Please try to keep up the good work, Cooper.  I see this year that you have made quite a few accomplishments - your first home run, signed up for choir, trying the trumpet and you even won a spot on the Gunners (basketball team)!  GREAT JOB!  You have become such a fine young man.

I know that you are getting too old for children's toys but I do see that you are hoping for a Playstation 3.  Well Coop, I will make sure to pack it in my red bag for you.  I know as you get older it gets harder to believe in me.  But remember this:  it's not just about believing in me but about believing in the Spirit of Christmas.  Even though you may think you are to old for me I will still be checking in on you from time to time and making sure that your name stays on my list.  

It will be great to come see you this year.  Please tell your friend Carson Wooster that I will be coming to see him, too.  I also know you like to stay up late but please try to get bed early on Christmas Eve so I can bring my magic to you.

Keep up the great work and I will visit soon!

Your friend,


Wowzers, right?  Even mentioned his friend's name and included a packet of reindeer food.

He bought it.  He totally bought it.  Well, if nothing else... he now doubts his friends that tell him Santa isn't real.  Sure, he knows Santa doesn't come down our chimney (given we have a gas fireplace).  He knows he can't really drag around the world's gifts in one night.

But he still wonders.  How?

We keep it up of course by telling him that we couldn't afford the things that Santa often brings him.  And sometimes Santa brings things mom wouldn't really approve of, so he knows it can't be me.

I want to bottle up the wonder in his mind, the look in his eyes and the excitement he feels when he bounds down those stairs tomorrow morning realizing his wishes came true.  Santa really is a very cool dude.

I'm so excited for church tonight.  We haven't been in a long while and I really want to get back.  It's time for Coop to start confirmation and what parents would we be if we only forced Bubba to go through that? :)  I painfully miss my momma.  I miss the WC kids so much it stings.  Church will hopefully help tie all of those emotions together and soothe my heart.

Merry Christmas, friends.  Have fun with your traditions tonight and tomorrow.  Enjoy every second.  Hug your kiddos tight and love one another.  I wish you all the best.