Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Go get 'em, YANKEES!

What a NIGHT!  AHH!  Baseball is not typically my favorite sport to hang around and watch, but I sincerely LOVE watching my little guy and his friends play.

Our team has been together (most of them) for 4 years now and it is obvious we have gelled not only as players and coaches, but the parents as well.  We are honestly all friends, cheering on each other's kids successes, sharing in their mistakes and providing encouraging words to all.  We even watch each other's younger children play around the bleachers making sure everyone is accounted for.  Reminds me of the 70's when our parents truly understood the "takes a village" concept.

Our tourney game was awesome.  Coming back from a loss on Saturday, we were battling for our place.  If we won, we play again tonight for 1st place.  If we lost, we were out of the tournament in 2nd place.

The boys were as calm as I've ever seen them.  They had amazing confidence in their abilities.  They didn't make any mistakes.  No overthrows, no missed catches.  They were definitely on their game.

And it helps that we played the whiniest coach in the league.  He's a great guy... if he's winning.  The second he starts to lose he completely loses his mind.  It is actually quite entertaining to watch him unravel right in front of our eyes.  He challenges every single call the umpires make, publicly arguing with them on the field.  Complete toddler.  I'm actually shocked he didn't don the rule book at anytime last night (which is typical of him).

Not only did we win, we almost shut him out.  He placed first place in the division and showed his true colors as our kids made play after play, hit after hit, run after run.  By the 5th inning we were up 12 to 2.  Yep, you read that right.  This team that beat us 3 times~ we totally took over.

So tonight we are off to try to secure 1st place.  Giant win for us.  So deserved.  Every single boy on our team has excelled way beyond expectation - all of them are hitting, catching and dedicated.

I love these boys.  And their coaches, of course!

On another note - I have to comment on this.  I absolutely love how ALL of our families come together for the kids.  Not just the bio parents, but the steps too.  It's so awesome to see a bio mom and a stepmom sitting side by side cheering for a boy they mutually love.  That is EXACTLY how it is supposed to work.  Way to go, girls.  Keep working on that relationship... even if it is a bit awkward at times.  Keep those kiddos first.  Up on a pedestal.  Only you can ensure that this next generation of kids feels love and respect from ALL of their parents - not alienated or estranged from their other parent after new divorce.  You ROCK for your efforts!

Happy Tuesday, friends!  GO YANKEES!

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