Monday, June 04, 2012

What the hell is LOVE?

The manchild is taking on yet another athletic feat: tennis. Yep, as I type this I am sitting in the car awaiting tennis camp to finish.

I know absolutely NOTHING about tennis except you have to endlessly chase yellow, fuzzy balls and slam them with a guitar looking racket. Sweet. This should wear him out.

Right before football camp, by the way. Coach Boehm should love that.

It's so fun though to watch him take on new challenges. He has absolutely no fear when it comes to trying something physical. Ask him to try guacamole and he will throw a giant tantrum, but somehow meeting all new people and trying something new is right in his wheelhouse. He's his mother's child.

He has parked himself right up against the net, front row. He is absorbing every single word Coach Klein is saying. You would think he was studying for the bar.

I'm sure he will want some giant, personal tennis lessons in his future that require me to refinance the house.

This stuff better pay off someday!

Happy Monday, friends!!



  1. Now is your chance!! Sell the house and buy your tiny house.
    Good for him, he is such a good kid, you are very blessed, my dear.

  2. Tennis?! Overachiever! Love him!

  3. I am a tennis PRO!! Or maybe I just look really cute in the clothes and can't hit the ball for crap. It was one of the two. I just can't remember which one it is....

    1. Oh my god Trai, you KILL me! I'm certain you look seriously HOT in the skort thing. That must be it.
